Fat Freebass Fb383 Manual Lawn
F.A.T FB-383 Well.here's another midi/analog monosynth in the 303 imitator posse.!!Advertised as the only authentic TB 303 clone (er.don't they all?!).it's fairly close. At least it's more squelchy than the Deep Bass 9.(check the review).But of course, nothing sounds like a real TB.
Manual, schematics, Installation Manual EN EN AKAI S2000 (Software version 1.30) User's Guide. CASIO RZ-1 - CHEETAH MD-16 - FAT FREEBASS FB383. Mar 29, 2014 He said he also has a FAT Freebass. The FAT FB383 has a confusing marking on the back. Welcome to the Gearslutz Pro Audio Community!
It does a 303 type sound as do all the others. The main difference with this module, is that the waveform is variable between Sawtooth & Square wave.So if the Select Wave control is at 12 O'clock.then you get a mix, which sounds quite interesting. Like the Deep Bass 9, this Freebass unit has an external input.so you can process external signals. Download Software Gratis Antivirus. All the controls of the original 303 are duplicated.Cutoff.Resonance.Envelope Mod'.Accent (accent is switched in for midi notes with velocity over 100).Tune & decay.also, like the DB9, this unit DOESN'T have a potamento switch on the unit.(groan!).so it's midi control number 64 if you want to add 'Slide' to the sound.NONE of the controls are controllable via midi, and this unit outputs NO controller data via midi either. I just had to double check that. Originally the Distributor told me it did recieve data.sorry. Azprocede Keygen Music. Well.there's not alot more to say.This unit again doesn't really get the 303 sound.but it comes pretty close.
Closer than the DB9, especially for the top end stuff. Product: F.A.T - FB-383 Name: steve griffiths Email: Email supplied but hidden Activity: part-timer Date: 20-Jan-99 I`ve owned my freebass for about 3 days now.absolutely blinding.a lot of people give it about 3 out of 5 for 303 emulation.I`ve been d.j.`ing / listening to 303 based music for about 9 years and for the price I`d say this deserves 10 out of 10!