Montego Bay 2400 Classic Tanning Bed Manual
• 3 Answers SOURCE: Betray is a tingle lotion!!! It is supposed to burn and make you itch for a few hours after use. I love tingles:) If you have never used one before than it burns like heck, giving you a sunburned lobster look but then that turns to a nice brown the next day. The ingredient that causes this feeling is Benzyl Nicotinate. It works by bringing more oxygen to the skin. You could try a 'warming' lotion such as DS Obsidian(a litle pricy), it works well and you barely feel the warming, another few warming/blushing lotion I like i are DS Rue La, AG Raydiant, Ds Steamy Confessions, Ed Hard Faux Sizzle, AG First Blush and AG Puppy Love. You could always mix your Betrayal with another accelerator or maximizer lotion to tone down the heat.
Netobjects Fusion 12 Testversion Download Youtube on this page. 1st time poster to this forum. I recently inherited a Montego Bay 2400 ( Model:MB2400 Canopy) and I am looking for any info on this bed.
I love mixing lotions:) One last thing try not to shower for a few hours == Water tends to re-activate the tingle ingredient. It will make it twice as hot. Torrent Download Poweriso For Free on this page. I hope this helps.
Good luck & happy tanning:) Sara Beth Posted on Jun 19, 2013. Raymond Williams Country And The City Pdf Editor.