Grey Fox Distress Download Firefox
Grey Fox Distress Download Yahoo. Grey fox distress is a very good sound to use when calling in foxy. Roll over the toolbar to learn more Get Firefox Browser. Grey Fox Distress Download Mp3. Grey Fox Barking; Red Fox Distress; Red Fox Pup Yelps. Johnny Stewart Red Fox Calls Volume 1 Model CD-RFV1.
Holly the thing of it is! I have called in more predators with mouth calls then elelctronics.
I would much rather hunt coyotes with an open reed call then electronics. However electronics if you know what your doing will call in coyotes. Download Ozzy Osbourne Diary Of A Mad Men 2011 Rare there.
Only problem is so hard to do the Gray Fox Pup distress on a mouth call. Recently.a Pa call mfg put a Gray Fox Pup call on the market. It's called the Griz & Gray. You don't even have to blow the call you pump it!!!
Also make excellent coon chatter too! A friend and I made our first electronic call from an old cassette player to which we added a large speaker, 30 feet of speaker wire, and a couple of lantern batteries. And, while this set up 'flat ate up' cassette players (we bought them used for a couple of bucks each at the Good Will store, and went thru maybe half a dozen a season) it did work. Then, when I got the money, I got a Johnny Stewart 512. They have much more advanced electronic calls today...
But, thru all the years I called, I used various mouth calls probably 80% of the time. You don't need electronics to call predators. And while I agree with UB that open reed calls are the more versatile, I will also say that closed reed calls are much easier to learn to play correctly.and I would suggest that anyone wanting to get started in predator calling start with a good cotton tail closed reed call, and learn to play it. You can pick up an open reed call and practice with it, and when you believe you have it mastered, give it a try. But, like I say, the closed reed calls are much easier to master, and thus give you the chance of success sooner.
Good point Mongojo. I do agree with Mongojo on new hunters starting off with a closed reed rabit distress mouth call. If you live in cold climates like I do in Pa.after November the tem dips to freezing and the closed reed metal voice channel mouth calls freeze up with your saliva. It renders them useless. So depending where you live you might have to go to a closed reed mouth call like the Primos KIYI which voice channel is plastic and not medal or use one of the easier open reed mouth calls to master. One of the best would be the Primos LIL DOGS.
Two calls come with the LIL DOG they are rather easier to master then the Crit-R-Call Open reed calls. The Primos LIL DOGS can be purchased for. I have seen them at Basspro, Gander, and Cabelas too. I have also notice that Knight & Hale also sell a black bulb squeaker with a field mouse insert in it. The field mouse insert make excellent field mouse distress sounds. However I notice the black Bulb Squeaker from Knight & Hale also sounds like the Gray Fox Pup distress call I also posted above.
Now this is not a small field mouse bulb squeaker. This Knight & Hale sounds like a Puppy when you squeeze but if you do what Curtis does in the video above you also can do the gray Fox Pup Distress. Some of you caller might already own one of these Knight & Hale puppy sdqueaker with field mouse insert already.i'll see if I can find a picture of it on the web and post it here. Ah Yes Here It Is Right Here: Logged.