Fit And Well Brief Edition Pdf
Get Fit, Stay Well! Brief Edition 'Get Fit, Stay Well!' Offers one of the most modern, reader-focused, flexible, and technology-enhanced approaches to Fitness and wellness available today.
It is the only Fitness and wellness book to employ integrated student-case-studies throughout each chapter. It presents a thoroughly fresh art and photo program featuring strength training photos depicting real, contemporary students, modern-day equipment, and options for those with limited access to equipment. A unique three-pronged (skill acquisition, self-assessment, and plan-for-action) approach to labs helps readers bridge the gap between what they know they 'ought 'to do and how they actually act. Making Personal Wellness Choices, Understanding Fitness Principles, Committing to Fitness, Conditioning Your Cardiorespiratory System, Building Muscular Strength and Endurance, Maintaining Flexibility and Lower-Back Health, Understanding Body Composition, Improving Your Nutrition, Managing Your Weight, Managing Stress, Reducing Your Risk of Cardiovascular Disease. Wondershare Ppt2video Pro Full Crackle. Intended for those interested in learning the basics of Fitness and wellness. For the Fitness & Wellness Course Motivate Students to Get Fit and Stay Well For Life Get Fit, Stay Well gives you the targeted, personalized guidance you need to get started, keep motivated, and approach the next level in their own Fitness & wellness. The Third Edition provides dynamic media, content that activates learning, and personalized approaches to Fitness and wellness that you can apply to life.
Buy Fit and Well, Brief (Looseleaf) 10th edition (848) by Thomas D. Fahey for up to 90% off at
Maintaining the highly praised hallmarks of previous editions-integrated case studies, three-pronged labs, a fresh graphical approach, and extensive strength training and flexibility photos and videos-this edition further engages you by including vibrant Get FitGraphic infographics to inspire thinking and discussion.' QR codes in the book allows you to easily access exercise videos and Fitness programs right on their smartphones. Instructors can track and assess your progress with the easy-to-use MasteringHealth. Included with Get Fit, Stay Well, MasteringHealth is an online homework, tutorial, and assessment product designed to improve results by helping you quickly master concepts. Spore Torrent Mac Cracker. You'll' bene Fit from self-paced tutorials that feature immediate wrong-answer feedback and hints that emulate the office-hour experience to help keep you on track and prepared for lecture.The Brief Edition contains chapters 1-10 of the full edition of Get Fit, Stay Well, with a focus on Fitness topics, nutrition, weight, stress, and preventing cardiovascular disease. Teaching and Learning Experience This program presents a better teaching and learning experience-for you and your students.